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Alexandra has had it with the arrogant, unappreciative humans she is obligated to inspire. It's not a muse's job to invent ideas for them! When a flash of temper sends her own words through her latest charge's fingers, her connection to faerie is severed, entrapping her in mortal form. Surviving among the humans long enough to find her way home means relying on the mercy of her entitled, ungrateful assignment. Worse, she has to be nice to him. Even though her predicament is entirely his fault.
With a looming deadline and a relentless case of writer's block, the last thing Brett needs is an uninvited houseguest. Especially one who appeared in his office out of nowhere with an amnesiac act that rings false from the get-go. But what's he supposed to do—throw her out on the street? Alexandra upends his routine and steals his writing time. But the sparks between them ignite his imagination, and soon she's all he can think about.
With a looming deadline and a relentless case of writer's block, the last thing Brett needs is an uninvited houseguest. Especially one who appeared in his office out of nowhere with an amnesiac act that rings false from the get-go. But what's he supposed to do—throw her out on the street? Alexandra upends his routine and steals his writing time. But the sparks between them ignite his imagination, and soon she's all he can think about.

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Behind the scenes of Mortal Musings:
- I first began writing this story during an independent study course in Creative Writing, many years ago. The broad strokes of the story were planned all the way through, but the novel itself was never finished, though I revisited it several times. I decided to attempt it yet again, with some elements re-envisioned, during the July 2013 session of Camp NaNoWriMo, and the first draft was finally completed that October!
After all the revising, it received its first traditional offer in November 2014, but ultimately found its fit with the path of independent publication.